In this episode of “Being an Earthling,” founder Avilasha Sarmah interviews Amber on what it means to draw inspiration from the ocean to create poetry, films, music and performance that call people into closer connection with nature. Amber explores her relationship with the depths to stay centered in her creative soul, and shares her approach to giving back to the Earth through her art and by living a mindful life of conscious co-creating and community building with our more-than-human kin.
Podcast: “Being an Ocean” on Storyteller Earthlings
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amelia travis
creative collaboration
“Amber is a powerful collaborator and asset to creative projects.”
Her curious nature, profound questions, and honest reflections support the development of self-awareness and invite connection to the world around us. With Amber’s counsel, I see more facets and dimensions of my work, and can better align the depth, integrity, and potency of the message I’m trying to share. She is a masterful teacher and creative guide.
I can help bring connection, understanding and empathy to your project or cause.
As a spoken word poet and performer, film writer, and conservation program/grant writer I have an immense range of communication capacity to present compelling and emotional stories with sensitive attunement to audience and culture.
not sure where to start?